The New York Chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects (nycoba|NOMA) would like to invite you to become a member of our local chapter. Membership provides the opportunity for design professionals to be part of a network promoting cultural awareness and inclusion while pursuing excellence in the fields of architecture + design.
Current members work together to create programming that will inspire audiences from across varied disciplines and points of view. Our membership is comprised of architects, artists and designers, students and educators, practitioners in related fields, and those seeking to enrich their understanding of the built environment. Membership perks include priority for limited capacity events, eligibility for leadership roles and nycoba|NOMA awards and more.
Membership is open to all interested in continuing a dialogue that enriches the diversity of those participating in our local and national design communities.
Learn more about NOMA.
Benefits for Professionals, Firm Owners, and Students

Our professional members have access to:
Educational Programming and Networking Events through our Committees
Advocacy and Leadership Opportunities through programs like The Civic Leadership Program
nycoba|NOMA Job Board: Opportunities and jobs through our job board
NOMA Job Board Access: Opportunities and jobs through NOMA's career center
ARE Study Resources: ARE Study Groups and Prep with our ARE Committee and access to Black Spectacles

Our firm owner members have access to:
nycoba|NOMA Job Board: List open positions at your company on our job board
Mentor youth and Volunteer at the Project Pipeline Summer Camp
Educational Programming and Networking Events through our Committees
NOMA Connect: With member-only access to RFPs around the country
Access to talented students through The NOMA Foundation Fellowship
Our Business Development Committee's Ownership Round Table

For students
Our student members have access to:
Events and activities hosted by the NOMAS Student Outreach Committee
The NOMA Foundation Fellowship: An 8-week compensated internship that will provide currently enrolled students and recent graduates access to internships with top architecture firms across the country.
NOMAS Graduation Packet: As a NOMAS member, all students receive 12 months of complimentary NOMA membership at the Emerging Professional level, an official NOMA graduation cord, and a congratulations certificate in honor of graduation. To receive the NOMA Graduation Packet, students must complete the bi-annual graduating student survey.
NOMAS Leadership Experience and Club Perks. Find your NOMAS Chapter here or Start Your Own!
NOMA Student Competition at the NOMA Conference: The Barbara G. Laurie Student Design Competition is one of the highlights of the NOMA conference for both student and professional members. The competition today features the work of 40 NOMAS chapters from across the country participating in a two-day competition, where students can gain experience working in competition teams and showcase their work to judges from top firms.
nycoba|NOMA Job Board: Opportunities and jobs through our job board
NOMA Job Board Access: Opportunities and jobs through NOMA's career center
ARE Study Resources: ARE Study Groups and Prep with our ARE Committee and access to Black Spectacles

All members have access to:
The Annual NOMA Conference in October
- Discounted member pricing
- CEUs and industry-leading lectures
​Networking events and opportunities
Connections with all members nationwide and access to resources through NOMA Connect
NOMA Magazine Subscription
national + local MEMBERSHIP DUES
Emerging Professional
(0-3 years)
(3+ years)
Licensed Professional
Allied Professional
If you join before October, your membership is valid until the end of the year.
If you join after October, your membership is valid until the end of the following year.
Professionals RENEWING after January 31st will have a $25 Late Fee.
Students RENEWING after October 31st will have a $10 Late Fee.